Who is the data controller?

Identity: LULLIUS PARTNERS SL (hereinafter, “LULLIUS PARTNERS”) Registered office: Carrer Francesc de Borja Moll, 82 2A, 07300, Inca CIF (Código de Identificación Fiscal [Tax Identity Code]): B-09759051

What categories of data are treated?

  • First name and surnames
  • Personal and/or professional email address
  • Personal and/or professional telephone number
  • Personal and/or professional address
  • Any other information you may provide via the free text fields included in the enabled forms

What purpose are the data processed for?

  1. Our customers’ personal data will be processed for the development and execution of requested and/or contracted services, which includes:
  • Properly developing the requested services proposal.
  • Managing the hiring of the requested services and the corresponding billing.
  • Maintaining contact to collect information or provide information about the contracted services and/or modifications to the services.
  • Complying with the contractual and business obligations assumed and with any legal obligations that must be met by LULLIUS PARTNERS.
  • Finding out how satisfied you are with the services received.
  • Sending electronic communications in connection with any of the firm’s activities, developments, events and news that may be of interest to you depending on the nature of the contracted service and provided that you do not express your desire not to receive them under the provisions of Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on information society and e-commerce services.

2.Regarding requests for contact, the data will be processed in order to provide appropriate management and care of the request in accordance with the nature of the request.

3. Data will also be processed for marketing purposes if registration is requested in the section “Stay informed” and in those scenarios where the necessary consent to do so is expressly provided. This purpose includes sending periodic electronic communications in connection with information, activities, developments, events and news regarding the firm or the legal sector in general that may be of interest to Users and provided they do not express their wish to stop receiving them.

4. The data provided via the section “Submit your application”, will be processed in order to assess the user’s application and determine their chances of participating in active or future selection processes, to which end their curriculum vitae and other information will be stored in the LULLIUS PARTNERS candidate database.

5. If you apply to register and/or participate in any of the events that we hold, we will use your first and last names, email address and professional details (company and title) to process the event registration. We will also use your data to maintain contact for the purpose of confirming attendance or advising you of any news or changes to the selected event. Furthermore, we may use the data to gather feedback and experience regarding the event, to conduct statistical studies, and to invite you to future events similar to the one you applied for.

6. When accessing the web portal, the user’s data are processed in order to draft statistical reports and anonymous profiles regarding access habits and activity performed by Users during browsing.

Unless otherwise noted, the requested data are necessary, so that if they are not provided, submission of the request in question will be prevented.

LULLIUS PARTNERS participates in social media. The processing of the data performed by Users who become followers (and/or make any link or connection action via social media) on the official social media pages of LULLIUS PARTNERS shall be governed by those terms of use, privacy policies and other access, use and similar regulations belonging to the applicable social network, which the user, as a participant in such social media, has previously accepted. Consequently, LULLIUS PARTNERS is not responsible for personal information shared by the user on social media.

What is the legitimate basis for data processing?

The legitimate basis for the processing relating to the development and execution of the requested and/or contracted services has its origin in the contractual relationship between the parties. For all other processing, the legal basis for processing is the consent provided and the legitimate interest in maintaining the existing relationship.

How long does LULLIUS PARTNERS store the data for?

The personal data processed by LULLIUS PARTNERS shall be processed as long as necessary for the purpose for which they were collected, or for as long as the relationship between the parties continues, provided that the data subject does not express their objection or revoke the consent provided. Once this period finishes, and only if necessary in accordance with applicable regulations, the data will be kept properly blocked for the legally established timelines.

If you would like more information in this regard you can request it at info@lullius.com.

Which recipients are the data communicated to?

In order to comply with the stated purposes, LULLIUS PARTNERS may communicate data to third parties who provide us with financial, technological, logistical services, etc. In this regard, LULLIUS PARTNERS uses the services of the provider Mailchimp for the sending of electronic commercial communications whose servers are hosted outside the European Economic Area; however, this communication is carried out under the guarantee represented by the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement. Find out more at www.privacyshield.gov

In addition to the above, personal data will be communicated in those cases required by applicable regulations.

What are your rights when providing your personal data?

Users may exercise their rights to:

  • Access to personal data being processed and to details of these processing operations.
  • Correcting inaccurate data
  • Suppression, in those cases established in regulations
  • The limitation of their data in the cases established by the law.
  • The portability of their data when processing is automated and its legal basis lies in a contractual relationship or in consent
  • Opposition to processing in those cases permitted by law
  • Revoking, at any time, the consent provided

You may exercise the above rights, under the terms and conditions set out in applicable law, at the registered office of LULLIUS PARTNERS or by e-mail to info@lullius.com.

If you do not receive a satisfactory answer and wish to file a complaint or obtain further information regarding any of these rights, you may contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency located at C/ Jorge Juan 6, Madrid). Find out more at www.aepd.es .