Immigration Lawyers in Spain

We have in-depth knowledge of the most requested Spanish visas and permits:


At Taxpats we know that your immigration process is not just about the paperwork. It means open doors and exciting opportunities. It means a new future. If you’ve spent hours online studying the legal requirements for your situation, comparing outdated information on faceless websites, and getting lost in bureaucratic jargon, you can stop your search here.

Our team of immigration lawyers in Spain have been creating a smooth, speedy and stress free path for our clients for more than a decade. We’ll guide you through the whole process, so you can take this important step in your life confident that every detail has been taken care of by an expert.  

Our next success story is yours.

Choose Taxpats! We have helped hundreds of clients in the same situation as you!

At Taxpats we know that your immigration process is not just about the paperwork. It means open doors and exciting opportunities. It means a new future.

If you’ve spent hours online studying the legal requirements for your situation, comparing outdated information on faceless websites, and getting lost in bureaucratic jargon, you can stop your search here.

Our team of immigration lawyers in Spain have been creating a smooth, speedy and stress free path for our clients for more than a decade. We’ll guide you through the whole process, so you can take this important step in your life confident that every detail has been taken care of by an expert.

Our next success story is yours.


Contact Us

To request a free consultation case, please provide us with your contact details below and we will contact you via email or phone.

    How can an immigration lawyer help me move to Spain?

    Our experienced immigration lawyers can help with moving to Spain in many ways:

    Understanding requirements: A lawyer can help you understand the specific requirements for immigrating to Spain, such as the necessary documents and proof of employment or study in the country.

    Advising on deadlines: There may be specific deadlines for applying for a visa to immigrate to Spain. A lawyer can help you understand these deadlines and ensure your application is filed on time.

    Applying: Our lawyers can help you complete and file the application for a visa to immigrate to Spain, as well as any additional forms or documents that may be required.

    Spain Immigration and Legal Services

    Digital Nomad Visa

    We provide expert Spanish Digital Nomad visa services to help foreign expats work remotely and live anywhere in Spain.


    Get legal advice on how to apply for Spain’s Special Expat tax regime and enjoy lower income taxes locally and globally

    Employee Relocation

    Given the vast opportunities for talent growth and business expansion that employee relocation can unlock, there’s never been a better time to make this strategic move.

    EU Family Member

    The Visa for EU Family Member, is the easiest and fastest way to reunite non-EU relatives with a European citizen in Spain.