Golden Visa

The Residence by Investment visa is the ideal residency permit for non-EU citizens looking to invest in Spanish real estate or stocks and shares.

  • The Residence by Investment visa is the ideal residency permit for non-EU citizens looking to invest
    in Spanish real estate or stocks and shares.
  • Permanent residency for you and your family in this beautiful part of the world.
  • Enjoy the same rights and benefits as European citizens.
  • Freedom to travel around the Schengen area with no additional visas or paperwork.
  • No need to prove that you live in Spain for a minimum number of days per year.
  • The possibility to work and do business in Spain.

The Spanish Golden Visa is the fastest and most privileged permit.

The Spanish Golden Visa is the fastest and most privileged permit.

Why is the European Golden Visa one of the most requested options for residency in Spain?

  • Quick resolution. Once you hand in the application you will get a confirmation within 20 working days.

  • No minimum stay. Unlike some Visas, you do not have to prove that you live in Spain a minimum number of days per year. You can spend as much or as little time in the country as you like. The only requirement is that you visit at least once per year.

  • Working rights. You can work in Spain if you want to, either for a company or self-employed.

Why is the European Golden Visa one of the most requested options for residency in Spain?

  • Quick resolution. Once you hand in the application you will get a confirmation within 20 working days.

  • No minimum stay. Unlike some Visas, you do not have to prove that you live in Spain a minimum number of days per year. You can spend as much or as little time in the country as you like. The only requirement is that you visit at least once per year.

  • Working rights. You can work in Spain if you want to, either for a company or self-employed.

What will life look like once you receive the European Golden Visa for Spain?

  • The initial visa lasts for two years, if we make the application for you within Spain (recommended – if you are not able to travel to Spain to make the application, please consult us about the requirements). You can renew for two more periods of two years, and then apply for permanent residency.

  • The Investor’s Residence Permit allows you to bring your family too. If you qualify for the visa (see requirements below) your partner, children and dependent elderly parents can be put on a joint application. Ask us for more details on this.

  • You’ll have the freedom to travel to the 26 countries the Schengen area as often as you wish with no extras Visas or paperwork.

Choose Taxpats! We have helped hundreds of clients in the same situation as you!

At Taxpats we know that your immigration process is not just about the paperwork. It means open doors and exciting opportunities. It means a new future.

If you’ve spent hours online studying the legal requirements for your situation, comparing outdated information on faceless websites, and getting lost in bureaucratic jargon, you can stop your search here.

Our team of immigration lawyers in Spain have been creating a smooth, speedy and stress free path for our clients for more than a decade. We’ll guide you through the whole process, so you can take this important step in your life confident that every detail has been taken care of by an expert.

Our next success story is yours.


Contact Us

To request a free consultation case, please provide us with your contact details below and we will contact you via email or phone.

    Having guided several of applicants

    Having guided hundreds of applicants to successfully obtain the Golden Visa for Spain, our lawyers have all the contacts and know-how to make the process completely stress free for you. Avoid unnecessary delays and time wasted due to burocratic details.

    How we work:

    • We complete the whole process on your behalf – you can give us the power to submit the application in Spain (recommended for a smoother process and a longer Visa duration). You’ll only need to be present on the day of the application itself, and we’ll let you know the date well in advance.

    • Full breakdown and checklist of every document you need, and the requirements in terms of formats, translations etc, as well as guidance throughout completing the application form, and meticulously checks before submitting.

    • Local knowledge and contacts to get you the right appointment at the right office with less waiting time.

    • Progress and timing tracking – we coordinate all the steps so that you never miss an information request or deadline.

    • Management of the confirmation process once your application is approved, including registering with the local authorities and collecting your official residency card, through which you’ll gain access to all the benefits of your Investor’s Visa in Spain.

    • All expat legal solutions covered – no need to research and hire various agencies and firms for your different legal requirements. If you don’t already own property to the specified value in Spain, we can help you with the process of acquiring it. Further on, we can deal with Visa renewals, and eventually permanent residency. Let us know your situation and our department teams will coordinate to guide you through a seamless process.

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